About the Center

The Center for Educational Excellence and Equity (CEEE) has been formed out of a desire to live into the Graduate School of Education’s guiding principles of equity, inquiry into practice, authentic context, and community. In a time when equity, diversity, and social justice is being discussed and dissected, our belief is that this work is essential to student success in K-12 and higher education.

Our work in the CEEE is done to help serve as a clearinghouse and resource to K-12 and higher education educators, counselors, and administrators around key issues and topics pertaining to educational equity and excellence. 

What We Offer 
  1. Resources and research-in-brief papers on educational equity and success
  2. Professional development opportunities for educators, counselors, and administrators in K-12 and higher education institutions
  3. Mini-grants available to GSOE faculty and students for research and professional development 