Meet the Staff

Need assistance?

We welcome all students, faculty, and staff to schedule an appointment with a librarian.

Lala Badal, M.A.Ed.

 Librarian, Head of Electronic Resources & Digital Content

Jennette Bristol

 Public Services Coordinator

Nancy Kim

 Interlibrary Loan Coordinator

Leanna (Garcia '13) Pagano, M.L.I.S.

 Librarian, Head of Collection Management Services

Rachel Smiley, M.S.L.I.S., M.M.

 Director of Pearson Library

Erin Sommers, M.L.I.S.

 Librarian, Reference & Outreach

Yvonne Wilber, Ph.D., M.S.L.S.

 Librarian, Head of Undergraduate Instruction & Outreach

