Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievements

The purpose of the Graduate School of Education Awards for Outstanding Achievement is to honor outstanding achievements by Graduate School of Education faculty. Outstanding achievements in this context are those that clearly go beyond regular expectations of responsibilities as established through employment contracts, faculty policies or other formal mechanisms. They include achievements that are the result of extraordinary effort or creativity, those that are outstanding with regard to their expected outcomes, or those that contribute to the standing of the Graduate School of Education within and outside the university

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2024 Award Recipients

Jason Peplinski

Service Recipient, Professor Jason Peplinski 

Mina Chun

Scholarship Recipient, Professor Mina Chun 

Heidi Coronado

Teaching Recipient, Professor Heidi Coronado 

2023 Award Recipients

Michele Dean

Professor Tymika Wesley was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Service.


Professor Brandy Yee was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Scholarship.


Professor Edlyn Pena was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Teaching.

2022 Award Recipients

Michele Dean

Department of Learning and Teaching Department Chair and Associate Professor, Tymika Wesleywas the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Service.


Associate Dean of Equity and Outreach, Program Directo, Oxnard & Main Campus M.A. in Educational Leadership & Distinguished Educator in Residence, Trudy Arriaga was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Scholarship.


Lectuer, Nick Mize, was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Teaching.

2021 Award Recipients

Michele Dean


Directer of Teacher Candidate Placement and Lecturer, Michele Dean was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Service.


Professor Michael Cosenza was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Scholarship.


Associate Professor Melissa Spence, was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Teaching.

2020 Award Recipients



Retring faculty member, Gail  Uellendahl was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Service.


Professor Edlyn  Vallejo  Peña was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Scholarship.


Professor Angela Rowley, was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Teaching.

2019 Award Recipients



Lecturer Angela Rowley (L), presented by Dan Tillipaugh (center), and professor Heidi Coronado (R) were the recipients of the Graduate School of Education Award in Service.


Professor Sharla Berry(R), presented by Edlyn Pena (L), was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Scholarship.


Professor Ty Wesley (L), presented by Mike Hillis (R), was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Teaching.

2018 Award Recipients



Professor Trudy Tuttle Arriaga (R), presented by Gail Uellendahl (L), was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Service.


Professor Melissa Spence (L), presented by Ty Wesley (R), was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Scholarship.


Professor Nancy Myers (L), presented by Maura Martindale (R), was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education award in Teaching.

2017 Award Recipients


ProfessorMaureen Reilly Lorimer was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Service.


Professor Ty Wesley was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award in Scholarship


Professor Dan Tillapaugh was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Teaching.

2016 Award Recipients


Professor Edlyn Pena was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Service.


Professor Dan Tillapaugh was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Scholarship.


Professor Gail Uellendahl was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Teaching.

2015 Award Recipients

Heidi Coronado

Professor Heidi Coronado-Olsen was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Service.



Professor Diane Rodriguez-Kiino was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Scholarship.


Professor Michael McCambridge was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Teaching.

2014 Award Recipients


Professor Nancy Myers was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Service.


Professor Edlyn Pena was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Scholarship.


Professor Maura Martindale was the recipient of the Graduate School of Education Award for Teaching.

Additional Award Recipients

Provost's Distinguished Scholar Award

The Provost Distinguished Scholar Award was developed to futher the building of community of scholars at Cal Lutheran. Each year the award is granted to two faculty members, one undergraduate faculty and one graduate faculty, who have demonstrated significant acievement in research or creative work. The Facutly Awards Committee receives nominations and selects the award winners. The award is funded by a gift from the estate of Pamela M. Jolicoeur, who was provost at Cal Lutheran from 1993 to 2004.

2022-23 - Distinguished Scholar Award - Michael Cosenza

2020-21 - Distinguished Scholar Award - Dan Tillapaugh

2015-16 - Distingushed Scholar Award - Edlyn Pena

Leadership Award

Outstanding Advisor Award and Outstanding Faculty Support Award.

2016 - Outstanding Advisor Award - Jennifer Twyford

2016 - Outstanding Faculty Support Award - Hala King

2017 - Outstanding Advisor Award - Michael McCambridge

2018 - Outstanding Faculty Support Award - Michael Brint

2018 - Outstanding Advisor Award - Jennifer Twyford

President's Award for Teaching Excellence

The President's Award for Teaching Excellence Committee considers and exemplary set of nominees representing California Lutheran University's faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Education , the Graduate School of Psychology, the School of Management, and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. After seeking input from colleagues, chiars nd deans, examinging three years of teaching evaluations, and careful deliveration by all members of the committee, a candidate is chosen and recommended to the president for final approval.

2013 - Professor Gail Uellendahl

2008 - Professor Michael McCambridge

2002 - Professor Beverly Bryde


See more faculty accomplishments
