Reporting Obligations

Any member of the Cal Lutheran community (with the exception of those listed as confidential resources), visitor to the Cal Lutheran campus, or other individual who is subject to sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX, or becomes aware of an actual or potential incident of sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX, should report the incident immediately, either verbally or in writing, to formally notify the University. The University is obligated to take action in order to provide a safe non-discriminatory environment for all.

If you would like to file a complaint of sexual harassment or conduct prohibited by Title IX, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or another department listed below:

  • Regardless of the status of the alleged harasser, any incident may be reported to the Title IX Coordinator for California Lutheran University: Jill Moffitt ,
  • If this situation involves anyone who is affiliated with PLTS, please contact Ray Pickett, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Rector, (510) 559-2710,
  • When the alleged harasser is a Cal Lutheran student contact Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life and Student Conduct, or a member of the Student Conduct professional staff, 805-493-3302
  • When the alleged harasser is a member of the Cal Lutheran faculty contact the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 805-493-3145
  • When the alleged harasser is an administrator or non-teaching staff member of the University contact Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, 805-493-3185
  • When the alleged harasser is any other individual on-campus (including visitors) contact Campus Safety, 805-493-3911