
The Foundations of Success

In your first year, you will take a two-course foundational sequence of seminars. This will be taught by a team of professors, each from a different discipline. By studying the intersections between multiple subjects, you’ll discover the interdisciplinary connections that can be overlooked when only thinking about material through one lens — connections that may spark new interests, shift how you see and think about the world, or even become the focus of your future career.

First-year tracks:


Classes that stimulate the mind

After your first year, you’ll take three upper-division honors seminars. Honors seminars focus on unique topics that change every year. Seminars are designed specifically for the Honors Program and limited to Honors students. They are designed to help students fulfill their IDEAS general education foundation course requirements (in addition to their Honors requirements).

Honors modules are non-Honors courses selected for their high degree of rigor and interdisciplinarity. Modules feature an Honors component, designed by the instructor for the Honors student, that fosters independent scholarship and intellectual creativity. Students may take up to one module toward their three Honors seminar requirement.

Honors Courses & Modules

Honors Seminars Fall 2024:
  • HNRS 303:Environmental Justice, Dr. V. Thasiah 
    • IDEAS: Humanities + US Diversity
  • HNRS 326:Global Development, Dr. L. Muñoz
    • IDEAS: Social Sciences + Global Perspectives
Honors Modules Fall 2024

*Students may take up to 1 Honors module toward their 3 Honors course requirement

  • BIOL 440: Primate Ecology, Dr. A. Stone 
  • EES 305:  Climate Change, Dr. M. Fung
  • RLTH 350-01:Contemporary Christian Ethics, Dr. R. Hankins
  • EXSC 302: Motor Development across the Lifespan, Dr. L, Kelly

Honors Seminars Spring 2025
  • HNRS 348: Indigenous Rights & Practices, Dr. K. Wilson
    • IDEAS: Humanities (Religion)
  • HNRS 3ST: We Are Monsters, Dr. D Pagliassotti
    • IDEAS: Social Sciences, US Diversity  (*** TENTATIVE, confirm with instructor)
  • HNRS 4ST: The Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr. & Malcolm X, Dr. B. Collins, Rev. Scott
    • IDEAS: Humanities (Philosophy) (*** TENTATIVE, confirm with instructor)
Honors Modules Spring 2025

*Students may take up to 1 Honors module toward their 3 Honors course requirement

  • SOC 321: Medical Sociology, Dr. A. Nack 
  • COMM 360:Film Theory, Dr. D. Pagliasotti
  • ERS 300: Race and the City in Film, Dr. L. Muñoz (US Diversity)
  • EXSC 302:Motor Development across the Lifespan Dr. L. Kelly

Recent Honors Seminars & Modules

Honors Seminars Fall 2023:
  • HNRS 318: Philosophy of the US Constitution & Government, Dr. B. Collins, Philosophy (T/Th 2:15-3:55)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Philosophy
  • HNRS 413: Music and the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. G. Freeland, Political Science (T/Th 9:35-11:15)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Political Science; US Diversity
Honors Modules Fall 2023

*Students may take up to 1 Honors module toward their 3 Honors course requirement

  • BIOL 425: Biochemistry, Dr. M. Abdelsayed (MW 10:20-11:20; Lab T 12:25-3:25 or TH 8:15-11:15)
  • ENGL 361: Contemporary Chicano Literature, Dr. D. Vargas (T/Th 9:35-11:25)
  • COMM 360:Film Theory, Dr. D. Pagliasotti (T/Th 9:35-11:25)
  • BIOL 440: Primate Ecology, Dr. A. Stone (MWF 9:15-10:20; Lab T 12:25-3:25)
  • EES :Climate Change, Dr. M. Fung (MWF 10:30-11:35)

Honors Seminars Spring 2024
  • HNRS 309: France & Its Ghosts, Dr. S. Khadroui-Fortune, Languages & Cultures (MWF 1-2:05)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: VAPA Non-P
  • HNRS 305: Imagining Climate Crisis, Dr. B Rasmussen, English (MWF 2:15-3:20)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Literature; Global Perspectives
  • HNRS 348: Indigenous Rights & Practices, Dr. K. Wilson, (348-01: T/Th 12:25-2:05; 348-02: T/Th 2:15-3:55)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: UD Religion; US Diversity
Honors Modules Spring 2024

*Students may take up to 1 Honors module toward their 3 Honors course requirement

  • BIOL 425: Biochemistry, Dr. M. Abdelsayed (MW 10:20-11:20; Lab T 12:25-3:25 or TH 8:15-11:15)
  • SOC 360: Racial and Ethnic Relations, Dr. C. Duarte (T/Th 2:15-3:55)
  • COMM 360:Film Theory, Dr. D. Pagliasotti (T/Th 9:35-11:25)


Honors Seminars Fall 2022:
  • Environmental Justice (Dr. Victor Thasiah, Religion)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: UD Religion; US Diversity
  • Life Writing and Graphic Narrative: Writing the Personal into the Political (Dr. Jolivet Mecenas, English)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Writing Intensive; US Diversity
  • Global Development (Dr. Haco Hoang, Political Science)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Political Science; Global Perspectives
Honors Modules* Fall 2022 
  • EES 305: Climate Change (Dr. Megan Fung, Earth & Environmental Science)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Natural Science + Lab
  • COMM 360: Film Theory (Dr. Dru Pagliosotti, Communications)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Writing Intensive; US Diversity
  • PSYC 421: Human Cognition (Dr. Andrea Sell, Psychology)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: 

Honors Seminars Spring 2023
  • HNRS 314: Medieval Manuscripts Culture (Dr. Peter Carlson, Religion; Dr. Christine Sellin, Art)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Religion OR VAPA (Non-P); AND Writing Intensive
  • HNRS 446: Poetry and National Consciousness (Dr. Jacqueline Lyons, English)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Literature; US Diversity
Honors Modules Spring 2023
  • BIOL 425: Biochemistry  (Dr. Michael Abdelsayed) (MW 2:15-3:20; Lab T 9:15-12:15)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Natural Science
  • CHEM 4ST: Drugs and Poisons (Dr. Katherine Hoffmann) (MWF 10:30-11:20; pre- or co-req: CHEM 332)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Natural Science
  • PHIL 205: Philosophy of Black Mirror (Dr. Brian Collins)  (T/Th 2:15-3:55)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Philosophy
  • SOC 360: Racial and Ethnic Relations (Dr. Cynthia Duarte), (T/Th 2:15-3:55)
    • Core-21 requirements fulfilled: Social Science; US Diversity

Past Honors Seminars

  • Visual Arts in Diverse Communities (Dr. Maureen Lorimer, Education)
  • Immigration, Liberation, Theology (Dr. Cynthia Duarte & Dr. Julia Fogg, Sociology & Religion)
  • Political Philosophy of the U.S. Constitution & Government (Dr. Brian J Collins, Philosophy)
  • Muslim Sacred Space & Ritual (Dr. Rose Aslan, Religion)
  • Rites of Passage (Dr. Lisa Dahill, Religion)
  • Social Media & Politics (Dr. Aaron Heresco, Communication; & Dr. Jose Marichal, Political Science)
  • Latinos and Public Health (Dr. Cynthia Duarte, Sociology)
  • Religion and Hip Hop (Dr. Rahuldeep Singh Gill, Religion)
  • Nietzsche (Dr. Walter Stuart, German/Philosophy)
  • Food, Ethics, and the Environment (Dr. Sam Thomas, Religion)


Click here for the checklist of course requirements for completing the University Honors Program

Click here for the online Dynamic Forms version of the course requirements 
(this is to be submitted your senior year as you are applying for graduation)
