Lab Safety Training

Student Safety Training

All Cal Lutheran students enrolled in laboratory courses will receive appropriate safety information and training provided by their instructors.

Students attending labs receive a copy of the Laboratory Safety Procedures at the beginning of each semester via email. Students must read the Laboratory Safety Procedures and sign and submit the Laboratory Safety Agreement. Students who do not complete the required Agreement within a reasonable time period will not be allowed in the laboratory.

The Laboratory Safety Procedures for each Department can be found below.

Biology Lab Safety

Chemistry Lab Safety

Earth & Environmental Science Lab Safety

Physics Lab Safety


Lab Safety Training for Research Students


In addition to the initial classroom Laboratory Safety training, all research students working in Cal Lutheran's research and teaching laboratories must also complete a Safety Contract with their Instructor/Research Supervisor's approval and the online Laboratory Safety training provided by CITI - The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative. This training includes general information on safe laboratory practices, hazard awareness, and emergency response procedures.

Student Resesarch Laboratory Safety Contracts:

Biology Laboratory Contract

Chemistry Laboratory Contract

Earth and Environmental Science Laboratory Contract

Physics Laboratory Contract

How to complete CITI Lab Safety Training

  • On your MyCLU home page, under Tools & Support, click on the CITI Program icon.
  • Log in to CITI using your MyCLU name and password.
  • If you do not already have a CITI account, click on "Create a New CITI Program Account" using your CLU email as your primary email address.
  • Choose "California Lutheran University" as your institution.
  • Click on "Learner Tools" and then "Add a Course".
  • Under Select Curriculum, scroll to Question 9 (General Laboratory Safety for Non-Laboratory Personnel) and check "Yes."  All other questions will  be checked "No",  "Not at this Time", or left unchecked.
  • Complete the required modules and associated quizzes.  You may re-review the modules and repeat the quizzes to attain the overall passing score of 80%.
  • Upon successful completion of the modules and quizzes, print a copy of your completion report/certificate for your records.

Lab Safety Training for Employees


All personnel working in laboratories with hazardous materials or physical hazards must complete annual Laboratory Safety Training, as specified by OSHA. Training must be completed before beginning any lab activities and covers the following topics:

  • General laboratory safety and chemical safety
  • Emergency response
  • Hazard communication
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Biosafety

For any questions regarding Laboratory Safety Training, please email

