DEIJB Toolbox

Resources on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging (DEIJB)

This interactive toolbox is provided for Academic Affairs by the Center for Teaching & Learning. Offering interdisciplinary curricular implementation, it serves as an active clearinghouse of national curricular best practices for implementing DEIJB content to support faculty working with an increasingly culturally and racially diverse student body.


The contents of this toolbox are essential for a Hispanic Serving (HSI), Minority Serving (MSI), and Lutheran-designated institution, for all of which our university has been identified.

The DEI Curriculum Committee Report (2022) revealed initiatives, programs, and activities in place, where this toolkit provides resources for further implementation in response to recommendations provided to best meet students’ curricular needs. Academic Affairs and the the DEIJB Plan provide a wealth of strategic planning aligned with these university-wide efforts. 


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