College of Arts & Sciences


Internships are a great way to get some experience towards your future career, while earning school credit! Take advantage of the numerous places around Cal Lutheran that offer cooperative education opportunities for psychology students.

These slides from the internship information session provide a good overview of the internship process!

How to Find an Internship

A great place to start your search for an internship is an appointment with a Career Counselor at Career Services. Not only can Career Services provide you with information about possible internship opportunities, they can also guide you through every step of the application process!


Finding an internship specifically for Psychology doesn’t have to be so tricky. Dr. Nicole Talarico is happy to brainstorm other opportunities with you, whether or not you have connections of your own. Not all internships have to be “official” as long as you have a plan on how your work can apply to psychology.

Get Started

The application process is now online, but you must first meet with Dr. Talarico to discuss your plan. The Psychology Department values its relationship with each site, so it is important that she talk with you to be sure the match will be a good one for you. Once she has approved your plan, you may access the online application through the Career Services website.


Sixty hours of work for the internship site is needed to earn one course credit (i.e., approximately 5 hours per week for a semester). Up to 240 hours of work may be counted for 4 credits in a semester; up to 8 credits may be earned before graduation. If the internship earns more than 2 credits, you will need to complete a formal 15- to 20-page APA style paper (with 5+ peer-reviewed references) about your experience. If it is only 1 or 2 credits, you will create a log of your time and activities related to your goals. The paper or log are due on the last Friday of classes for the semester (i.e., before finals week) and emailed in a pdf attachment to Dr. Talarico.


If you are thinking about doing an internship while here at Cal Lutheran, pursue it! This is a great way to develop skills, explore career options, and to have exposure to real world work. If you would like additional information please contact Dr. Talarico at or stop by her office in Swenson 211.
