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April 10, 2024

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Stories from 2020

  • Featured photo for COUCHELLA (the virtual concert festival)

    COUCHELLA (the virtual concert festival)

    Submitted by Spencer Fischer

    Kyle Tamkin and Gianna Marie have been the driving forces in the iCLU radio club, and my most powerful allies since I started teaching at…

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  • Featured photo for Evacuated during COVID-19

    Evacuated during COVID-19

    Submitted by Anna Lundsten '19

    As you finish this semester, we are living in a world that is unprecedented. We are all just struggling to find our path in this life. We…

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  • Featured photo for Arnold and Esther Gutierrez

    Arnold and Esther Gutierrez

    We, Arnold and Esther Gutierrez are the parents of David Gutierrez. We are grateful to CLU for the education he received to launch his ca…

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  • Featured photo for Susan Carpenter

    Susan Carpenter

    Some of my early memories of PLTS were about twenty years ago during my days working on staff at a nearby center. Errands occasionally to…

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  • Featured photo for Moorpark High School Track

    Moorpark High School Track

    Submitted by Marty Rouse '78

    I just read last week’s sports articles from Sports Illustrated and our own local paper. Both sparked a note with me about the importan…

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  • Featured photo for David Brown

    David Brown '12

    Submitted by Andrew Brown '09

    When Coach David Brown’s hockey camps, clinics and seasons ended abruptly due to the effects of coronavirus, he immediately thought the…

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  • Featured photo for Morgan Snyder

    Morgan Snyder '20

    I got to meet such incredible people during my time at Cal Lu. My time at Cal Lu was definitely shaped in a positive way by meeting and w…

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  • Featured photo for Taylor Garman

    Taylor Garman '24

    I’m a current high school senior from Phoenix, AZ who is going to be attending Cal Lutheran in the fall! I’m so beyond excite…

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  • Featured photo for Michelle Spurgeon

    Michelle Spurgeon

    There are countless reasons why I care about Cal Lutheran. Every day I witness the lives of our students being changed in such positive w…

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  • Featured photo for La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, AZ

    La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, AZ

    Submitted by Jeff Ruby '84

    The second week of the pandemic, I was walking around our large, empty campus that had gone all online in Scottsdale, AZ, and I thought, …

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  • Featured photo for Destinee Olguin

    Destinee Olguin '21

    I thought this virus was going to pass. I thought this virus wasn’t gonna get in the way of my education, my job, or my family life…

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  • Featured photo for Allyson Rufus

    Allyson Rufus '25

    It was the beginning of January of 2020. A girl was filling out her college applications, and she got a letter in the mail from Californi…

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  • Featured photo for Donating Water & Energy Drinks on Behalf of Anheuser-Busch

    Donating Water & Energy Drinks on Behalf of Anheuser-Busch

    Submitted by Daniel Lacey '17

    During this crazy season, working at Anheuser-Busch which is deemed an essential business because of the service we provide grocery store…

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  • Featured photo for Valerie Cybul

    Valerie Cybul '22

    Submitted by Lisa Cybul

    Sophomore Valerie Cybul baked dozens of chocolate chip cookies to be delivered to Henry Mayo Hospital staff and Santa Clarita Sheriffs in…

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  • Featured photo for Dr. Veronica Guerrero

    Dr. Veronica Guerrero

    Submitted by Laura Brasil '20

    With the changes that we all have had to make, there have been some strengths and weaknesses with this transition. One of the professors …

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Stories by Year:
