Mild to Moderate Support Needs or Extensive Support Needs


The Special Education Program at Cal Lutheran is a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)-approved educator preparation program for the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) and Extensive Support Needs (ESN). Candidates in the program will be prepared to work with and teach students who have mild to moderate support needs and/or extensive support needs in one or more of the following disabilities:  

  • MMSN:  autism, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, and traumatic brain injury
  • ESN:  autism, deafblind, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, and traumatic brain injury

There are specialized tracks in Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs for you to study. The following courses are required to successfully complete the 39–credit curriculum:

Foundations Courses
  • EDLT 500 Foundations of Teaching (3 credits)
  • EDLT 501 Teaching and Learning (3 credits)
  • EDLT 502 Teaching English Learners (3 credits)
  • EDLT 503 Child Development and Inclusive Environments (3 credits)

M.S. in Special Education degree option

After obtaining your credential through this program, you can complete a Master of Science (M.S.) in Special Education degree for only 3 additional classes, which helps with salary growth (close to 50% of all California public school teachers hold a master's degree).​

Master's Courses:
  • EDGN 509 Situating Yourself As Scholar
  • EDGN 510 Collaboratories of Practice
  • EDGN 599 Education Improvement Plan

Course Descriptions

Seeking an Additional Credential in Education Specialist:

Candidates who hold a valid California teaching credential can obtain an additional credential in Education Specialist, Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) or Extensive Support Needs (ESN). 

More Information

