Faculty Workshop: Faculty-Led Away Program Development

Costa Rica Volcano

Develop a Travel Seminar Proposal &

Participate on a Study Tour in Costa Rica!

Interested in developing a faculty-led travel seminar but unsure of how to start? Join Dr. Ryan Medders, Professor of Communication, and Dr. Matthew Yates, Director of Education Abroad, in this grant-funded program to expand campus internationalization efforts.

Participants will attend a Spring 2025 workshop series consisting of 8~10 sessions for 60~90 minute each (to be confrimed) designed to provide our faculty with the tools needed to host a faculty-led program. In addition to the mandatory in-person sessions, the program concludes with an immersive experience in Costa Rica in June, where you can simulate and put into practice lessons you have learned about intentional program design for your away program proposal.

The workshop covers all aspects of a faculty-led program, from marketing & student selection to curriculum design & budgeting. 

Study Tour Elements

Most program costs are covered by the ALLICE grant! Participants are only responsible for purchasing their own international flights, some meals, and incidentals. Tentative travel dates are June 18-25 (Weds-Weds), 2025.

An example of projected included program elements: 

  • Hotel accommodations
  • In-country ground transportation
  • Academic and cultural activities such as:
    • Tours of San José, Volcán Arenal, and Liberia
    • Visits with local faculty, business leaders, and non-profit organizations 
    • Welcome and farewell dinners


If interested in applying, please submit your application via the provided gForm no later than 5pm on Friday, November 1, 2024. The selection committee will notify applicants of decisions in November. 

Application Coming Soon! Please contact rmedders@callutheran.edu if you have any questions.
