Emeriti Faculty Resources

Welcome to our Emeriti Faculty resources, designed for faculty who have been granted emeritus status by the Board of Regents at California Lutheran University.

Professor Emeritus rank may be assigned to associate professors or professors in good standing who have limited or terminated their responsibilities as a ranked faculty member for valid reasons such as retirement or illness after ten or more years of service to the University. A professor emeritus is so designated and appointed by the Board of Regents, after recommendation by the President, the Provost and the ART Committee.

Although retired from full-time service, there are many ways for emeriti faculty to engage in the University community after retirement — whether through continuing scholarship and teaching, providing input and an important historical context, and attending on campus lectures and events. Emeriti Faculty are an important and distinguished part of Cal Lutheran.

We look forward to further opportunities for Emeriti Faculty to get together at planned events and for informal socializing opportunities. We invite faculty to keep us up to date on their latest activities.

Carol Bartell


Carol A. Bartell, Ed.D. 
Chair, Emeritus Faculty Group 

Upcoming Emeriti Events

  • Coffee and Conversation at Jack’s Corner (Starbucks on campus)
    First Thursday of every month, at 10 a.m.

    We invite Emeriti faculty to gather at the campus Starbucks for coffee and camaraderie on the first Thursday of every month. Those who wish to stay for the weekly Chapel Service at 11:20 a.m. are welcome to do so!

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