Guy  Goyette

Guy Goyette, M. Sc. A.

Adjunct Faculty Member


 Mr. Guy Goyette is a California Lutheran University Adjunct Faculty member. He joined the CLU Physics department in the fall of 2017. His main interests are the applications of electromagnetism to Satellite Communications. More recently, he started teaching General Physics classes in the Health Sciences and Sciences department of UCLA Extension.

 Prior to joining CLU, Mr. Goyette received his Bachelor in Engineering Physics and his Master in Applied Sciences both from University of Montreal, Ecole Polytechnique. After his Master, he pursued Doctoral research studies for one year at Ecole Polytechnique studying the radiation properties of antennas in space plasma. He then joined the Canadian company Spar Aerospace Limited as a Project Engineer/Scientist with the Satellite Antenna group. After working 10 years at Spar, he moved to the Satellite Development Center of Boeing in El Segundo, CA, where he eventually became member of the Boeing’s highly selective Technical Fellowship program as an Associate Technical Fellow.  As a lead Antenna designer in the Payload New Business group, he has been part of a team involved with the front-end of the business, looking for technical solutions that provide on-orbit flexibility and cost performance to the worldwide Satellite customer base.

 At CLU, Mr. Goyette enjoys teaching introductory level Physics courses PHYS-201 General Physics I, and PHYS-202 General Physics II, and is also responsible for teaching the course PHYS-120 Musical Acoustics, a studio format class on the Physics of sound and music that combines lectures and labs in the same setting. At UCLA Extension, he is appointed to teach the courses Physics XL 5A, 5B and 5C.

