4+1 Graduate Programs

Start Your Master’s Degree as an Undergraduate

Are you thinking about a master’s degree in business, public policy, financial planning, economics, or technology? Save time and up to $8,200 by applying for a 4+1 program before starting your senior year at Cal Lutheran!

How It Works


Take up to three graduate courses during your senior year

Admission is based on having senior status at Cal Lutheran and a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Mortar board

Complete your undergraduate degree requirements

Earn your B.A. or B.S. and walk the stage at Commencement


Continue your graduate program courses as a full-time student

Complete your degree in as little as one additional year—and save up to $8,200!

Choose Your Program


An MBA puts you in control of your career path by giving you a grounding in core business skills. Choose from six emphasis areas to focus on your area of interest. Attend classes on-campus, online, or both. Learn more about the MBA

MBA or MS in Financial Planning

These programs are among the country's most intensive and comprehensive master-level programs for financial planning. Attend classes fully online. Learn more about the Financial Planning programs

MS in Information Technology

Our program balances both business and technology elements, preparing you to work and lead within the IT field. Choose a track in Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, or IT Management. Learn more about the MSIT

Master of Public Policy and Administration

Meet and exceed the evolving demands of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors with your MPPA. You'll blend practice and theory in a highly respected, practical, and flexible program of study. Learn more about the MPPA

MS in Quantitative Economics

In our M.S. in Quantitative Economics program, you’ll be exposed to more econometrics, financial economics and theory than most master’s programs, and be a practicing economist in one year. Learn more about the MSQE

Admission FAQ

How do I get admitted?

  • Meet with your Student Success Counselor to verify whether you are eligible to participate in the 4+1 program
  • Admission is based on submitting and completing a graduate application (typically as you finish your junior year at Cal Lutheran) as well as fulfilling certain 4+1 eligibility criteria (e.g., having senior status at Cal Lutheran and a minimum GPA of 3.0)
  • To learn more about the 4+1 program and how to apply, contact the Graduate Admission Office at (805) 493-3325 or clugrad@callutheran.edu to meet with an admission counselor

How do I take courses?

  • You can start taking graduate courses during the fall or spring semesters of your senior year. Once admitted to a 4+1 program, contact your Graduate Admission Counselor or Graduate Program Specialist to make your course selections.
  • Take up to a total of 3 graduate courses during your senior year
  • You must be registered in a minimum of 12 undergraduate units each semester you participate in the 4+1 program, and not exceed 18 total units with graduate courses included
  • If you continue attending the graduate program as a full-time student after completing your undergraduate degree, you can earn your degree in as little as one year
  • With evening, weekend, and online courses, you have the flexibility to complete your degree while still pursuing your career aspirations!

What are the costs?

  • During your senior year, graduate courses will be included in your normal tuition as long as you take 12 undergraduate credits and do not exceed 18 total credits (undergraduate and graduate combined) per semester

  • Once fully admitted to the graduate program, the cost is the regular tuition per credit for your graduate program

Contact Us to Learn More

If you're interested in a 4+1 program, please fill out this form to hear from our Graduate Admission office. You will also need to be in contact with your Student Success Counselor to verify your 4+1 eligibility. 


What Students Have to Say

Amara Gwyn

I would tell someone interested in the 4+1 program to do it. It is scary and hard, but it creates an opportunity to make yourself different than others. Also, now as everyone in my class is graduating a lot of people have told me they wish they had known about this program because they would have done it.

Amara Gwyn '16, MBA '19
4+1 Student, MBA
Alexander Cervelli

The 4+1 program is very flexible and since I was able to take graduate level classes as an undergraduate student, it sped up the timeframe of obtaining my MBA. The class options the MBA program offers, including weekend and online courses, made it easier to progress in the program even when work became more demanding.

Alexander Cervelli '19, MBA '20
4+1 Student, MBA